No Pressure Roof Washing
Humidity is no surprise or secret to us in New Jersey. Unfortunately, our climate fosters the growth of a particular algae: Gloeocapsa Magma. This algae causes black streaking stains you see on dirty roofs either on your house or on other roofs in your neighborhood. Shingles contain limestone, which makes them heavy, durable, and reflective. Roof algae over time will slowly consume the limestone, ultimately weakening the shingles. Algae cells produce a dark pigment that acts as a sunscreen, protecting the cells from the sun. As this pigment accumulates on shingles, the roof becomes less reflective and absorbs more sunlight, which transfers into the homes attic space raising cooling costs. Utilizing a low-pressure washing application, we can safely remove the algae making your roof look like new while also extending the life of your shingles.